In 1992, parents were first encouraged to have their babies sleep on their back. Since that time, there has been a 600% increase in flathead syndrome. More than a million babies will be diagnosed with this every year. This affects nearly 48% of all babies ages 0-6 months old.

In the chiropractic world, and in my mind, there are two main causes for this.

1. Cervical spinal restriction. This is usually evident in babies that have one side of their head that is flat. This is called plagiocephaly. When in bed or in a car seat the baby tends to always look one way. Turning one way will result in the same side of the head being up against something throughout the day, for some kids 15-20 hours. 
2.  Too much time spent in a plastic container on their back. I see this SOOO  much. People use their "car" seat as an infant carrier for the first several months of the baby's life. A word of advise. Use the car seat in the CAR. Hold your baby. This is huge for development both physically and emotionally. And as the adult parent, hauling around a car seat with a baby in it is not ideal for your spine.

Get your baby checked for spinal restrictions.
Hold your baby close
Use the car seat in the car
Rotate the baby's head in their crib

8/15/2022 08:16:19 am

Thank you for beiing you


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